If your reason for knowing the house edge is a measure of how good of a bet it is and/or the value at generating comps, then you should go by the 'per roll' figure. After much thought, I have decided to express the house edge in craps three ways: The question gambling writers must face is whether to count meaningless rolls as a push in calculating the house edge, or wait until the wager is resolved. However, craps players usually leave such bets up until they are resolved. Should such meaningless rolls, that don't effect the outcome, be treated as the wager pushing? Compared to other casino games, that would be the consistent thing to do. However, in craps it often takes many rolls to resolve a bet, with the player being allowed to take down the bet at any time until it wins or loses.
Almost every legitimate gambling writer counts pushes in this calculation. The standard definition of the house edge is the ratio of the expected player loss to the initial wager. Some always resolve in one roll and others may take many rolls. Read Review Visit Defining the House EdgeĬraps has a lot of different kinds of bets.